Wednesday, June 2, 2010

RHPC 1/2 Info

This year we will be starting at 7am.  The exact start is not set yet, but it will most likely be at the Riverwoods.  A specific address will be forthcoming. We will be running from there up into the canyon via the Provo River Trail.  It is a very gradual and gentle up hill and then we will burn it down the trail back to the start.
McKenzie will be defending the coveted RHPC Rooster and her title as Queen of the RHPC.  There should be some pretty stiff competition.  This rooster is HOT!  McKenzie, WATCH out!  Michelle is already planning a place for that bad boy!
To register for this 1/2 marathon, all you need to do is email me at .  Simple and easy :)  There is no fee to enter the race.  You just must bring a prize for another runner that has to do with our theme this year, "Diamonds & Titanium- That's what the RHPC are made of!"  Also, you will need to bring your favorite treat to share at the end for a post race treat bash!  We had the best food last year.
Please let us know if it is your first half.  We have special awards for the first timers :)
Men are welcome.  Scott will be our police presence this year again.  All this means is that he will be there to taser any of us who get out of control ;)
Please PLEASE please, dress up in your best Red Hot Pink Chick attire.  You guys looked GREAT last year!
Oh, and remember that this is not an official race.  You will need to bring your own water and fuel for the run.  There are drinking fountains along the route, two going up, and the same two going back down.  There will be NO aid stations.  I guess it is officially a training run with a bunch of crazy women in costume with treats at the end!!
We had SO much fun last year!  Please join us.  ALL are welcome, we really just need to know how many, so please PLEASE email me if you are coming!!
Please email Kellie for a t-shirt

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