Saturday, August 21, 2010

Golden Onion Day's 5/10k

It's here...Labor Day!!!  Come and join us for a super fun 5/10k in Payson City for their annual Golden Onion Day's celebration.  We, RHPC's like to gussie up the race by having a pancake breakfast at my home after the race.  We have super yummy chocolate chip pancakes with DEADLY syrup...seriously, that stuff should be illegal!  Please let me know if you will be coming and what you'd like to bring.  We need paper products, fruit and breakfast MEAT! ;) ..the bacon is a HUGE hit with the kidos!  YES!!! families are invites!!! We usually meet at my home at about 6:15am and then head over to the start by 6:30 am.  Leave a comment here if you need more info.  I'll get back to you asap!
xoxo- Marion